These demonstrate how these rankings can be affected by whether or not climbers attend key competitions. Climbers like Lucas Uchida and Alyssa Weber have earned considerably fewer points than others at important events like CEC Nationals and WCs, but their attendance at local events and premier competitions like Bloc Shop Open (or Alyssa attending two CEC NS events) have kept them competitive.
My system is pretty much a stone age tool compared to modern rankings databases in other sports, so there's a lot of decisions the next guy can make when they decide how to allocate points. For now, I think it's important to include as much information as possible and not try to compensate for attendance. Athletes like Sean will suffer unfairly and climbers who attend every competition on the calendar will benefit, but this is the amount of complexity I can currently manage.
If you have any questions, leave a comment below! And as always, if you have a lot of high level experience in statistical mathematics or database management and want to help build the next generation of these rankings, drop me a line.